Monday, November 30, 2009

Sorry Friends, This ones For me!

Mama's got a brand new bag (isn't that how the saying goes?)...well it's true and I love it!  With the supervision of my mother, and my beginning sewing skills, I finished my most recent project!  The Birdie Sling aka my newest accessory. 

Who says that just because I have a baby boy, that means I can't carry a girly bag??  Not me!  I am a girl, and therefore I choose pink.  The little man doesn't mind.  
Love the Fabric?? It's my favorite!  Find more from MODA here.

Aside from Christmas crafts that I have been working on (which I can't share just yet) is another small and simple project for you to try.  The 'Baby Breakfast Bib' - click here for the tutorial from The Object Project.  I made one myself, and they are super simple.

* My notes: the pattern calls for terrycloth or some other absorbent material- but I just used simple flannel and it worked great (and it's a lot cheaper).  Also, I used a little bit of a bigger coffee cup for the neck hole, and as you can tell - it's a little too big.  So a standard size cup will be perfect!

Dear Little Man,

I hope you can forgive me for dressing you in a ladies bib (I especially hope your father can forgive me).  You are such a good sport!

I love you, Mommy

I love this little man...he makes such a good model - and as you can tell, that bib is pretty stylish too. 

Happy sewing!


  1. I'm not sure if you received my e-mail, but I would love to purchase some of the headbands that you've made. Are you selling them?




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